Djene Bajalan
Talking History HostDjene Bajalan is a historian and a member of the faculty in the Department of History at Missouri State University. He was born, raised, and educated in the United Kingdom and holds a DPhil in Oriental Studies from the University of Oxford. His research focuses on the Ottoman Empire and he teaches courses on the history of the Middle East.
In this episode, Djene and Patrick speak with Dr. Chelsea Davis about the effects of the British colonial wine industry.
In this episode of Talking History, Patrick and Djene speak with Dr. Kathleen Kennedy about what popular culture can tell us about how we understand the past.
In this episode of Talking History, Patrick and Djene talk to Dr. John Gram about the history of Native American education.
In this episode of Talking History, Patrick and Djene speak to Dr. Daniel Bessner about the history of Hollywood.
Djene speaks to Dr. Sarah Panzer about the myths and realities of life as a Samurai.
In this episode of Talking History, Patrick and Djene speak to Dr. Louis Fishman about the origins of the Israel-Palestine conflict.
In this episode of Talking History, Partick and Djene speak with Anna Guenter and Dr. Sarah Panzer about Jewish revenge in the aftermath of the Holocaust.
In this episode of Talking History, Djene and Patrick speak with Missouri State University professor, Dr. John Schmalzbauer, about the role of religion in the history of the Ozarks.
In this episode of Talking History, Djene and Patrick speak with Missouri State University professors, Dr. Julia Troche and Dr. Bryan Brinkman, about the Ancient Artifacts Abroad exhibition that they organized at Springfield Art Museum.
In this episode of Talking History, Djene, and Patrick speak with geographer and international relations specialist Fabrice Balanche about the origins and development of the Syrian Civil War.