All types of art can represent life and emotion. It is also often said that this art can help process feelings and express the deepest set of…
The nights are getting warmer and longer – it’s time for the perennial summertime favorite, Tent Theatre. Bob Westenberg, coordinator of the musical…
Inspiration can come from anything: an object of affection, heartbreak, world events, poetry. The list goes on. Dr. John Prescott, composer and professor…
Children are the biggest casualty of the Syria war, raging since 2011. Thousands of them have been killed, injured and ripped apart from their families.To…
What do you love about Springfield and Greene County? What are some things you’d like to see changed?A group of Missouri State University communication…
Teaching students how to write is a challenging task. That’s why the Center for Writing in College, Career and Community (CWCCC) at Missouri State…
Communication Week is a signature event for Missouri State University’s Department of Communication. It focuses on highlighting communication teaching and…
Springfield is a friendly city with an ugly past. However, it’s more than they lynchings that took place on the square in 1906 that tarnish the…
How does an introvert land on stage with a successful career in the spotlight?Lisa Brescia, assistant professor of theatre and dance at Missouri State…
After the sirens are turned off and the emergencies are diffused, the police officer’s work is not done. Reporting the event in detail is next, but what…