Story updated to reflect that Tom Fowler, Todd Wilson, Terry and Fred McQueary, SWMO Foward PAC, Jim Hutcheson, Loren Cook, Gerold Cook and Richard Hughlett have endorsed Landon McCarter for SPS School Board.
Story updated to reflect that the Greater Springfield Labor Council has endorsed Melanie Bach for mayor.
Many candidates for local school boards and local government positions seek out endorsements as they campaign for the seats they hope to win.
Dan Ponder, political science professor at Drury University, said endorsements have been important over political history, "but, over time — especially with social media, in particular, and the rise of media generally, those have sort of, they're still important, but they've kind of taken on a different tack of what they mean and who they reach."
Candidates for the Springfield Board of Education and Springfield City Council — both nonpartisan elections -- have secured endorsements from a variety of organizations and individuals.
Missouri State University Political Science professor Caitlin Davies said in an email to KSMU that endorsements in nonpartisan elections are “very important.” She said that’s because “the vast majority of voters” do not conduct indepth research into candidates for nonpartisan races and what they stand for. Instead, she said, most voters rely on easy cues such as name recognition and endorsements when deciding whom to choose.
Dan Ponder said people shouldn’t rely solely on endorsements when deciding which candidate to vote for. He encourages voters to do some research to find out what issues are important to the candidates in an election. KSMU and the Informed Voter Coalition will bring you candidate interviews Tuesday, March 21, through Thursday, March 23, at noon. They'll also be available at after each one airs.
Here’s who has endorsed local candidates for SPS Board of Education and Springfield City Council as reported to KSMU by the candidates:
Candidates for Springfield Mayor
Melanie Bach: Teamsters Local 245, Greater Springfield Central Labor Council
Ken McClure: Springfield Police Officers Association, Southern Missouri Professional Firefighters Association IAFF Local 152, Greater Springfield Board of Realtors, Springfield Good Government Committee
Candidates for Zone 3 Springfield Council
Brandon Jenson: Greater Springfield Central Labor Council
David Nokes: Springfield Police Officers Association and the Greene County Deputies Association
Candidates for General Seat C Springfield City Council:
Callie Carroll: Springfield Police Officers Association, Southern Missouri Professional Firefighters Association IAFF Local 152, Greater Springfield Board of Realtors and Springfield Good Government Committee
Jeremy Dean: Greater Springfield Central Labor Council, Teamsters Local 245, LiUNA and Springfield Building and Construction Trades Council
Candidates for General Seat D Springfield City Council:
Bruce Adib-Yazdi: Greater Springfield Central Labor Council
Derek Lee: Springfield Police Officers Association, Back on Track, Southern Missouri Professional Firefighters Association IAFF Local 152 and the Springfield Good Government Committee
Candidates for Springfield Board of Education:
Landon McCarter: Back on Track, SWMO Foward PAC, Tom Fowler, Todd Wilson, Terry and Fred McQueary, Jim Hutcheson, Loren Cook, Gerold Cook, Richard Hughlett, Eric Burlison and Alex Riley
Shurita Thomas-Tate: Springfield NEA and the Greater Springfield Central Labor Council
Chad Rollins: Back on Track, Eric Burlison and Lynn Morris
Judy Brunner: Springfield NEA; MSTA CTA; Southern Missouri Professional Firefighters Association IAFF Local 152; Teamsters Local 245; Plumbers and Pipefitters Local 178; Jack Stack; Raylene Appleby; Bill Turner; Dr. Nancy O'Reilly; Sam Hamra; Jim Anderson; Dr. Tom Prater; Dr. David Hough; Mark Fisher; Dr. Matt Hudson; Winter Kinne; Bill Rowe; Mark Stratton; David Appleby; Dr. Nate Quinn; Dr. Julie Leeth; Dr. Shirley Lawler; Mark Ringenberg; Rachel Anderson; Jeff and Alexis Childs; Gary Prouty; and Dick Moger