Missouri State University and Ozarks Technical Community College say they'll both have seated classes on campus this fall, in addition to their online course catalogs. Also, OTC has announced that masks will be mandatory in classrooms and common areas.
The two institutions are coordinating with each other to respond to COVID-19.
OTC’s Chancellor Hal Higdon announced mask-wearing will be mandatory in “common areas” this fall, including classrooms, libraries, and public gathering areas. Masks will not be required in OTC offices or outdoors.
Higdon said wearing masks is “the right thing to do,” saying science shows masks prevent the spread of the coronavirus.
OTC has also done away its normal fall break this year, and will instead give students a full week off for Thanksgiving. You can see OTC's plans for returning to campus for fall of 2020 by clicking here.
Missouri State University president Clif Smart said students will return to in-person classes, with the university continuing to offer courses online as well. Smart shared MSU's latest coronavirus policy details Monday, outlining its "Guide to Returning to Campus." You can see MSU's guide by clicking here.
MSU is considering two options for a mask-wearing policy. Both require masks to be worn in classrooms, labs and on the Bearline shuttles. Plans for the university’s dining halls, as well as sororities and fraternities, are still being finalized.
Both MSU and OTC leaders said they're spending considerable money on cleaning supplies and personal protective equipment like masks, even though both schools are experiencing a cut in state funding due to the pandemic.