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Amy Blansit talks about how her formative years led to a life of public service

Amy Blansit, founder of the Drew Lewis Foundation in Springfield, MO.
Drew Lewis Foundation
Amy Blansit, founder of the Drew Lewis Foundation in Springfield, MO.

Blansit is the founder of the Drew Lewis Foundation, named for her late husband.

In this episode of Municipal Matters, Zion Riffe-Stevens and Cameron Jackson, recent graduates of the Missouri State University Political Science Department graduate program, talk with Amy Blansit, founder of the Drew Lewis Foundation, which is "committed to empowering individuals and communities across Missouri" through its programs and services. In addition to its programs, RISE and NCA, it also offers a pathway to homeownership. The foundation's "services focus on financial education, self-advocacy, employment, and community-building initiatives," according to its website.

Hear the interview by clicking on the "listen" button above.