“Cinderella” is a French fairy tale, and Massenet's operatic version is set to a French-language text. But Missouri State University Opera Theatre's production will be sung in English.
There will be two performances: Friday, March 31 at 7 p.m. and Sunday, April 2 at 2 p.m., in the C Minor Recital Hall inside Ellis Hall on the Missouri State campus.
This year MSU Opera has been sharing fairy-tale operas, and "Cinderella" will be a lively, humorous and romantic confection that is ideal for all ages, according to MSU Opera Theatre director Dr. Ann Marie Daehn.
A talented cast of student singers will bring the opera to life, and Dr. Daehn has edited the score down to a kid-friendly length of under two hours.
Tickets are $15 for adults, $5 for children and students. They are available at missouristate.edu/music/opera.htm, or by calling Dr. Daehn at 417-836-6011. Tickets will also be available at the door.
Dr. Daehn joined me on KSMU’s “Arts News” to talk about the production.