United Springfield has chosen who it will support in the Springfield Board of Education Election on April 2.
They are Scott Crise, Danielle Kincaid and Susan Provance. Others running for the SPS Board include Landon McCarter, Maryam Mohammadkhani, Chad Rollins and Kyler Sherman-Wilkins.
United Springfield was launched in October of 2023 with a mission of supporting “individuals running for local nonpartisan offices who will unite our Springfield children, citizens, and community.”
The organization said it has raised $120,000 in less than three months, and that support continues to increase.
United Springfield reached out to all seven SPS Board candidates in early January and asked them to complete a questionnaire. All seven were also interviewed by a sub-committee of the steering committee last week and were each asked the same questions, according to the organization.
United Springfield steering committee members include Raylene Appleby, Orin Cummings, Jeff Johnson, Julie Leeth, Alina Lehnert, Tom Prater, Debbie Shantz Hart and Gail Smart. Jim Anderson and Terri McQueary are committee co-chairs.