The Greene County Commission has approved and adopted the 2023 budget.
Greene County budget director Jeff Scott said projected expenditures in the new budget are just over $261,670,000. Projected revenues are just over $222,395,000, so it appears there’s a shortfall. But he assured commissioners he was presenting a balanced budget to them.
"State law defines revenue as including prior year surplus or cash balances on hand," he said. "So, what I'm comparing here is not total revenues versus expenses, it's just current revenues versus current expenses knowing that we have a balanced budget with prior year surplus funds."
The budget contains $1.6 million in vehicle purchases and funding for 12 new positions from the general revenue fund and four positions with other funds. Those positions include a Greene County sheriff to provide security at the historic Greene County Courthouse and a treatment court manager.
And there are pay increases for employees.
"The county was fortunate enough this year to provide a five percent cost of living (adjustment) or COLA for employees, which is typically only one percent," said Scott.
The budget also includes market adjustment to employee pay and a mid-year merit step for eligible workers. The county increased the minimum wage for its employees to $15.04 an hour, which impacted 24 workers.
General revenue has been consolidated into one operating fund instead of two, which Scott said will make it easier for the public to see how county revenue is being used.