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Wilson's Creek National Battlefield B.A.R.K. Rangers Program

Wilson's Creek National Battlefield B.A.R.K. Rangers Program

Wilson’s Creek National Battlefield rangers and volunteers will launch the new B.A.R.K ranger program May 29.

National Park sites are exciting places for pets to visit with their families while on a trip or in your own backyard. Learn the B.A.R.K. principles so you and your pet can have a safe and fun visit.

B.A.R.K. stands for:

Bag your pet’s waste; Always leash your pet; Respect wildlife; Know where you can go

Complete your B.A.R.K ranger booklet to receive a special collar tag. Booklets will be available in the picnic area from 9-4, or at the visitor center desk after the launch.

Local veterinarian, Dr. Rita Wittu, will be on site for "Visit with a Vet". Dr. Wittu will be in the picnic area from 10:00 am to 12:00 pm to greet pets and their owners. Discussion topics will focus on ticks, Leptospirosis, heat, and good park stewardship with pets.

This program is part of the Healthy People Healthy Parks Initiative.

To learn more about the B.A.R.K ranger program and other places your furry friend can go to become a super B.A.R.K ranger visit

Entrance to Wilson’s Creek National Battlefield and all programs are free. For additional information or to request program accommodations please call the visitor center at (417) 732-2662 x227.

In the event of inclement weather, the program will be canceled. Please call the park at 417-732-2662 ext. 227 or check the park website and Facebook page for program updates at

Wilson's Creek National Battlefield
09:00 AM - 04:00 PM on Mon, 29 May 2023
Wilson's Creek National Battlefield
5242 S State Hwy ZZ
Republic , Missouri 65738
417-732-2662 x227