Costco Wholesale Corporation is considering a membership warehouse retail store in east Springfield, according to Springfield mayor, Ken McClure.
A statement from the City of Springfield said Costco expects to hire at least 125 people for its Springfield store.
Costco is looking at a site south of Chestnut Expressway at Eastgate and Highway 65. On June 4, the city’s Planning and Zoning Commission will consider a preliminary plat for Kirkland Commons and a final development plan for Planned Development 298, which, according to the city, are the first steps in the development of the Costco site. Eastgate, south of Chestnut Expressway, would have to be relocated, and other stormwater improvements would be required.
"At its June 1 meeting, City Council will consider an ordinance authorizing an access and infrastructure agreement for the required public improvements, which are anticipated to cost $4.8 million. Costco will pay for these improvements and the City will reimburse Costco using a portion of the local sales taxes generated by their facility," according to city officials. "If things progress as planned, Costco would break ground in spring 2021 and open in fall 2021.”