Over the last several years, wine enthusiasts have cheered over the revelation that red wine has positive health benefits. While many assumed it was the…
According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, more than 64,000 Americans died from drug overdoses in 2016. Opioids now cause about…
Natural: So many foods, cosmetics, cleaners and drugs claim this status. But why does it matter?Dr. Paul Durham, distinguished professor and director of…
The Children’s Bureau’s most recent child abuse statistics reveal that 7.2 million children were reported as abused in 2015. This number had unfortunately…
If you suffer from migraine or other orofacial pain like TMD, it's no surprise that poor sleep routines, stress, lack of exercise and a sedentary desk job…
Humans have 20,000 genes in every cell within the body, yet we only express about 6,00 of them. So where are the rest of them? Do you have any control…