Correction: A previous version of this story said that the fee for credit and debit payments was 3 percent. This story has been updated to reflect that the rate is 2 percent for credit cards and 1.5 percent for debit card payments.
During a press conference on Nov. 2, Greene County Collector Allen Icet said residents can expect a 20 to 30 percent increase in what they owe in personal property taxes this year.
Icet said the rising value of used cars is a reason.
“Real estate there should be little to no change. It is just within the personal property, as we all know used vehicles, the price of used vehicles has gone up significantly," said Icet.
Between 2021 and 2022, the retail price of a used car has gone up 25 percent, according to data kept by the National Automobile Dealers Association (NADA). The Greene County Assessor’s Office uses NADA — as required — to determine the value of a vehicle and then applies the respected tax levy to determine amount due by payer.
Residents can now view their tax statements and pay online at by credit, debit, or an e-check. There is a 2 percent processing fee for credit and a 1.5 percent fee debit, but no fee for an e-check.
Other ways to pay include mail or the drop box at the collector's office.
Residents will still receive a mailed statement by Thanksgiving.
Icet said residents who haven’t received a statement in the mail by Thanksgiving should send an email to or call 417-868-4036.
“Some people- unfortunately- think, ‘If I don’t get a statement, I have no bill.’ And that’s not the way the process works. By state statute, the responsibility falls on the taxpayer to pay the bill," he said.
Icet urged residents to pay as soon as they can to avoid late fees and interest charges.
He reminds residents who pay by mail that the postmark date must be on or before December 31 or the payment will be counted as late and will incur late fees. He recommended those paying by mail walk into the post office rather than dropping the payment into a blue box.