On a quiet corner in Springfield in a large white house, teenage girls who will soon age out of foster care are learning to live independently. The girls who live at Ashley House, run by Presbyterian Children’s Homes and Services, are working to finish their education, find employment and to eventually move into their own homes. The effort to give the girls a solid foundation requires a lot of volunteers.
Wednesday, November 7, the program is hosting a volunteer orientation for anyone who would like to help.
Patty Kissinger, development officer for Ashley House, said volunteers are needed to teach the girls various skills. Volunteers are also needed to help with things like painting and grounds maintenance—anything you would need to do at a regular house.
According to Kissinger, volunteers can come once or twice a year or every week—there are no minimum hours required.
The meeting Wednesday, which includes lunch, is from 11:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. at 2740 E. Pythian, and rsvp is requested at 573-338-3766.