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KSMU Challenge Grants

  What is a challenge grant?

A challenge grant is a donation offered to KSMU with the stipulation that the donation must be matched by additional listener contributions.  KSMU announces challenge grants on-air and asks our listeners to match the available funds.  KSMU receives the portion of the grant that is matched by listener contributions.  For example: If our listeners match $400 of a $500 challenge grant, the challenge grant sponsor only pays $400.

Why sponsor a challenge grant?

Encourage participation.  Challenge grants are a great way to encourage other listeners to get involved.  In fact, they’ve been known to cause our phones to ring off the hook!  Because KSMU only receives the available challenge grant money if it is matched by listener contributions, challenge grants are a great way to motivate listeners to call with their gift.

Market your business or organization.  Businesses and organizations that sponsor challenge grants are recognized on-air during the challenge grant period.  Audience  research continues to indicate that public radio listeners appreciate businesses and organizations that support public radio!

What would my challenge grant sound like?

A typical challenge grant script sounds like this:

ABC Business will match $50 for every $100 pledged this hour, up to $500.  This is a chance to add even more value to your pledge.  Thank you to ABC Business for their support of our fundraising efforts.

Challenge grants are typically $500 or more and can be issued by businesses, organizations or individuals.

How can I sponsor a challenge grant?

For more information or to schedule a challenge grant for an upcoming pledge drive contact Lori Street at 417-836-3506 or