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Pythian Castle Recognized on National Registry of Historic Places

One of Springfield’s landmarks, Pythian Castle, has been listed on the National Registry of Historic Places. This designation came after a long application process which uncovered some unknown history of the castle. The national recognition may also help the landmark reopen to the public. KSMU’s Adam Murphy reports.

Along with its acceptance into the registry, Pythian Castle was also featured as the nomination of the week by the National Park Service. In order to receive this honor, owner and director of the castle Tamara Finocchiaro had to dig deep into its history.

“We dug a lot into the period when it was an orphanage and a senior citizens home, and we were able to find all the people who resided here and all the interesting ways in which they passed away,” she said.

The historical documents and information are now on the castle’s website, but Finocchiaro hope that the public can soon enjoy those documents within the castle itself. Pythian castle was closed by the city of Springfield in 2007 because it was deemed unsafe. Finocchiaro believes that the new listing on the national registry is a step in the direction of the castle re-opening soon.

“I hope this one proves that it is worth saving and a viable project and I think this helps concrete that,” she said.

Finocchiaro says that the plans for the necessary renovations have been approved. She intends to go ahead with these plans once the castle passes its second phase of environmental testing. If everything goes well, the goal is to reopen Pythian Castle in early 2010. For KSMU News, I’m Adam Murphy.