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How Can Listening Transform An Entire Community?

Part 4 of the TED Radio Hour episode The Act Of Listening

About Rev. Jeffrey Brown's Talk

During the late '80s, Rev. Jeffrey Brown was watching his neighborhood become overrun with drugs and violence. He decided to listen to the young people in the community — not preach to them — in order to bring about change.

About Rev. Jeffrey Brown

Rev. Jeffrey Brown is a Baptist minister and president of RECAP (Rebuilding Every Community Around Peace), a national organization that seeks to reduce gang violence by building partnerships among faith-based organizations, city governments and law enforcement agencies. He is one of the co-founders of the Boston Ten Point Coalition, a faith-based group that was an integral part of the "Boston Miracle," a process by which the city experienced a significant decline in violent crime in the '90s. It inspired similar projects across the country. Rev. Brown consults nationwide on community mobilization and combating youth violence.

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