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Children of Eden's Animal Designer Thinks Outside of the Box

Photo credit: Jeremy Shreckhise
Photo credit: Jeremy Shreckhise

Cardboard, chicken wire, staples and pvc pipe are the tools Springfield Little Theater will use to tell the story of creation in the musical Children of Eden. KSMU’s Matthew Barnes has details.

Cardboard, chicken wire, staples and pvc pipe are the tools Springfield Little Theater will use to tell the story of creation in the musical Children of Eden. KSMU’s Matthew Barnes has details.

A musical loosely based on the book of Genesis, Children of Eden is a heartfelt and humorous play that deals with faith and the conflict between parents and children.

Only days away from the plays opening on June 10th the theater is filled with a number of cardboard animals as the head animal designer and builder Brandon Compton talks about his creations for the play.

“We’re making all kinds of animals because it’s the story of creation and of Noah’s arc so all kinds of animals. It takes about two and a half hours per animal for the actual structure, some take a little longer some a little less depending on their size,” Compton says.

The two act play deals starts off with the story of creation and the fall of man then moves into the story of Noah and the flood which is where Compton’s creations will be command the stage.

“Most of the animals that we’ve made are out of cardboard so that’s been good because we got that donated. The bigger animals like the elephant, the dinosaur are made out of chicken wire and pvc pipe,” Compton says.

The musical will run from June 10th to the 26th at Springfield little theater.

For KSMU News, I’m Matthew Barnes.