This Saturday, the 27th annual Sertoma Chili Cook Off will give different organizations a chance to stir up their best batch of chili, an raise money for a good cause. And one booth is bringing back a pop culture icon to help. KSMU's Emily Nash has more.
If you come to the Sertoma Chili Cook Off this Saturday, you might have a temperamental character dishing out your chili.
"Jerry:He is secretly referred to as the 'soup nazi'.
Elane: why what happens if you don't order right?
Jerry: He yells and you don't get your soup."
Known to Seinfeld fans as the "Soup Nazi", actor Larry Thomas will be serving chili at the Price Cutter booth on Saturday from 11 to 3.
Thomas will be in his stiff 'soup nazi' character, yelling at customers and passerbies just like he did on Seinfeld.
" George: Excuse me, I think you forgot my bread.
Thomas: Bread, two dollars extra.
George: Two dollars! But everyone in front of me got free bread!
Thomas: You want bread? Three dollars!
George: what?!
Thomas: No soup for you!"
Sarah Cockrine is the director of special events and promotions for Price Cutter.
She says Thomas was at Price Cutter's booth at last year's cook off.
"We had a huge crowd around our booth and I think people really enjoyed the event. Um, it gets pretty crowed and pretty crazy. It's a pretty fun event. Its just a pretty big party by the end of the day."
Thomas will help the booth raise money for the 'best booth experience' contest.
All money raised from the cook off goes to the Springfield Boys and Girls Club.
The Sertoma Chili Cook Off is this Saturday from 11am to 5pm at the Springfield Expo Center on St. Louis Street.
Tickets are seven dollars in advance and ten dollars at the door.