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As Gas Prices Go Up, Springfield is Looking For New Sources of Fuel

As gas has gone over three dollars a gallon, many people are looking for ways to save money. Springfield is planning to help by looking into new fuel sources. There will be a meeting on Friday to solicit ideas, questions and comments from the public as the city prepares for the New Fuel Conference that will be held later in the year. Ksmu's Jana Greer Reports

As gas prices go up, Springfield is looking for new local sources of fuel. That will be the topic of discussion on Friday at the planning meeting for the New Fuels Conference. Springfield City Councilmember Dan Chiles will be hosting the meeting. In a recent interview with KSMU, Chiles said that Springfield has many opportunities to make fuel.

Potential topics at the New Fuel Conference include using natural resources to generate electricity and to supplement or replace gasoline and motor oil. Chiles said using local fuel sources will save Springfield a lot of money.

The meeting is next Friday at 2 pm at the Reed Auditorium in the Trustee Science Center at Drury University. The public is invited to the event and is encouraged to come prepared to ask questions and make comments regarding new fuels.