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Highway Patrol Offers Halloween Safety Tips

Halloween can be fun, but also scary for parents who worry about the safety of their children "trick-or-treating" on the streets. KSMU's Christy Hendricks scares up some Halloween safety tips.

Halloween...a time when the ghosts, goblins, and skeletons come out for a little spook.

It's also a time for parents to take extra precautions when letting their children "trick-or-treat".

Captain Tim Hull is the director for the Missouri State Highway Patrol's Public Information and Education Division.

He has some suggestions for keeping kids' costumes fun and safe.

Hull says drivers should stay alert and on the offensive for kids darting in streets.

Tim Hull says parents should have a talk with their children before collecting candy for the night.

Hull says parents should check the treats before letting their kids eat any.

He also has some advice for those going to adult parties.

Hull says those drinking alcohol at parties should not drive.

Captain Hull says Halloween is a favorite night for pranksters, but that keeping your house brightly lit will help deter the tricksters.

These tips can help you enjoy more treats on your Halloween than tricks.

If you want to get an early jump on Halloween, the Springfield Conservation Nature Center will host its annual Halloween Happening Thursday and Friday October 26th and 27th from 6:30 to 9:30 p.m.

It's free and open to the public.

Call 888-4237 for more details.