If a tornado or storm rips through your town, knocks out power and downs communications lines, are you prepared? The Missouri Department of Public Safety is reminding Missourians to take the steps now to prepare for man-made and natural disasters. KSMU's Missy Shelton reports.
If a tornado or storm rips through your town, knocks out power and downs communications lines, are you prepared?
The Missouri Department of Public Safety is reminding Missourians to take the steps now to prepare for man-made and natural disasters.
Terri Durdaller is director of communications for the department.
Preparedness experts recommend each family assemble an emergency kit.
It should include things like cash, flashlights, batteries, a first aid kit, and a whistle.
Durdaller says all emergency kits should include food and water.
Durdaller says it's easy to UNDERestimate how much food and water you'll need in a disaster.
She says families should be prepared for an emergency situation that could drag on for days.
Besides an emergency kit, Durdaller says families should consider purchasing additional insurance.
She says many times, homes are not covered if there's a flood or earthquake.
The Missouri Department of Public Safety is encouraging people to volunteer with local organizations that provide disaster relief.
Information on emergency preparedness is online at