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Professor of Flicks Picks Pics

The 78th annual Academy Awards is Sunday night. The nominees for Best Picture this year are: Brokeback Mountain; Crash; Capote; Goodnight and Good Luck; and Munich. Mike Smith talked with a Missouri State University Professor about the films, and the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences and has this report:

Tim White is aa Associate Professor of Film Studies in the Department of Media, Journalism, and Film at Missouri State University. He says this is an interesting year for the Academy Awards because there is no single film up for best picture Oscar that has support from the public and critics.

White says every year in the Academy, internal and external social and political forces come into play which affect voting by Academy members. It's White's opinion that even though "the signs point to Brokeback Mountain", the Academy will will vote for Goodnight and Good Luck as this year's Best Picture. He does say though that Crash is "the dark horse" in the group of nominees and voters could choose it instead.

For KSMU News, I'm Mike Smith.