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Closing Loopholes of No Call List

Part I

You've just sat down to dinner and the phone rings. And even though your telephone number is on the state's no call list, you're listening to a sales pitch from a telemarketer. That's why state lawmakers are looking at ways to close the loopholes that allow some businesses to call numbers on the state's do not call list. The do not call list is maintained in the office of attorney general Jay Nixon. He says people on the list file complain about calls they receive from telephone companies, which are allowed under the law to call numbers on the list.

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Besides phone companies, the law allows other businesses to call numbers on the do not call list. For example, any business with a prior relationship with you can call. But Nixon says the definition of prior business relationship is too broad.

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When legislators passed the do not call law several years ago, there was bi-partisan support. Nixon says the real battle on this issue is with lobbyists.

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A meeting in Springfield this evening will provide residents with the chance to voice their opinion about the do not call law. The meeting is underway right now at the city utilities building, 301 east central in Springfield and lasts until 7:30.