Sequiota Park is a popular place for playing, relaxing, hiking and picnicking. The Galloway Creek Greenway, which was designated in 2003 as a National…
The Southwest Missouri Art and Craft Guild presents Art in the Park, a fine art and contemporary craft show and sale, the second weekend in October each…
Sequiota Park, off Lone Pine Ave. in southeast Springfield, is a popular place to walk, bike or just hang out. But in the summer, algae blooms on the lake…
Many years ago the Springfield Park Board granted permission to the Southwest Missouri Art and Craft Guild to put on a small art and crafts festival in…
The Southwest Missouri Art and Craft Guild produces Art in the Park, a fine art and contemporary craft show and sale, the second weekend in October each…
Southwest Missouri Art and Craft Guild is an all-volunteer organization started by artists to support the working artist. This is the organization's 21st…