As some nonprofits begin to feel the financial impact of so many closures and increased needs due to COVID-19, The Community Foundation of the Ozarks (CFO) is stepping up to help with grants.
The CFO, a charitable foundation serving 58 counties in southern and central Missouri, is accepting applications for the grants now. This fund is targeted to help nonprofits serving people affected by the coronavirus outbreak across the CFO’s service region.
Agencies may apply for up to $25,000 in funding, according to CFO. Agency partnerships of at least three collaborating organizations may apply for up to $40,000 in funding.
This grant program will remain open as long as funding is available throughout the COVID-19 recovery process. Nonprofits and their IRS equivalent organizations and agencies may apply. This includes many civic agencies and churches meeting important needs in their communities.
CFO says the funding for these grants comes from a previous $1 million commitment, but it continues to accept donations from the general public.
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