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0000017b-27e8-d2e5-a37b-7fffd9f70000On November 8, Missourians chose their next governor, determined races for U.S. congressional seats and several for the Missouri statehouse. In addition, voters decided among five proposed changes to the Missouri constitution.See the election results here, and view our coverage below on the local candidates and issues. Post election, we're continuing to add to our coverage with related content.

For Some College Students, Assessing the Impact of Their First Presidential Vote

Dominic Goldman
Danisha Hogue

Donald Trump’s victory this week has spurred a lot of response from his supporters and opponents in the days since. And with each completed election, a new generation of voters analyze the effects of casting a ballot for the first time.   

Missouri State University freshmen Katherine Lenz, a Trump supporter, says her first voting experience was nerve-racking.

“I voted for him so it was really nerve racking looking at how close it was and the electoral college and how close those were too.”

Other students opposed to a Trump presidency expressed disappointment, while some questioned if their first-time vote offered any affect.

“It felt good to finally be heard in a way but I still feel like we weren’t heard if that makes sense. Well, the minorities at least (weren't) heard,” said Dominic Goldman, a junior.

Junior Trinity Tipton exercised her right to vote for the first time, too, but wasn’t satisfied with either of the major party’s nominees.

“I didn’t really wanna vote for Hilary and I didn’t really wanna vote for Trump so in the end I chose Gary [Johnson],” Tipton said. “I mean a lot of people say it was a wasted vote but I at least wanted to have the privilege of saying the person who got in the office I didn’t vote for them.”

More than 2.8 million registered voters in Missouri cast ballots Tuesday, equaling just under 67 percent of those eligible. Trump carried the state with 57 percent of the vote.