A Class Act Productions is a critically acclaimed producer of straight plays and the local originator of the popular live TV and film parodies, regularly presented on "Third Saturdays." They invite you to celebrate Valentine's weekend with them as they present "Romantic Fools" Thursday through Saturday Feb. 12-14 at 7:30pm each evening at the 319 Event Center, 319 W. Walnut downtown.
Director George Cron describes the two-person play as “12 little vignettes dealing with the trials and tribulations of romance between men and women. It’s a delightful little comedy; some of the vignettes are almost like vaudeville.”
George’s wife actually discovered this Rich Orloff comedy for him. “She said, ‘George, I’ve surfing the Web and found this play I think you’ll like!” George had been asked by 319 Event Center to produce a show for Valentine’s weekend, and this one fit the bill nicely. Class Act Productions veterans Spencer Tilly and Jennifer McBride are the two actors.
Attendees will not only be able to enjoy a romantic evening of comic vignettes exploring the thrills and chills of finding true love--they’ll be able to order beverages and appetizers to be served at their tables. This production is for mature audiences. Tickets are $12 ($10 for students)--call or text for reservations at (417) 766-3139 or visit A Class Act Productions on Facebook.
George Cron wanted to remind KSMU listeners of another Class Act show coming up in February: the monthly “Third Saturday” TV show/movie parody night. February’s show is scheduled for Saturday February 21st at 7:30pm at the Downtown Artists Collective, 308 South Avenue. The Batman parody starts at 7:30, and their parody of Buffy the Vampire Slayer is at 9:00. This performance marks the show’s fifth anniversary, and the 50th performance of Buffy.