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Police Hit Hard by Budget Cuts


After a one million dollar shortfall in the general fund budget for the city of Springfield, City Manager Greg Burris recommended a series of budget reductions.

The Springfield Police Department was asked to come up with $245,000 worth of cuts. Lynn Rowe is the Police Chief for the department.

“We ended up giving back a total of about a $154,000 or $155,000. We didn’t meet the goal, but we did the best we could. So the cuts are now in place that we proposed and we’ll just have to do the best we can the rest of this fiscal year.”

Rowe said the cuts will force the department to conserve more and sometimes go without some minor equipment.

“There are just a lot of things, in the way of operating supplies, that we probably will have to do without,” said Rowe.

The budget cuts will last until the end of the fiscal year in June. The shortfall in the budget was due to a 10% decline in sales tax revenue.

For KSMU News, I’m Matt Evans.