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Presidential Hopefull Mitt Romney Schedules Springfield Visit

Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney will visit Springfield on Tuesday.

KSMU's Matt Petcoff talks with one political science professor about how the changing presidential primaries will impact the role Missouri plays in the process...

For the first time in at least a half century, an incumbent president or vice president isn't running to be the next commander in chief.

In order to play a bigger role in choosing our nations next leader, many states have been moving up primary elections.

Because of state law, New Hampshire's can be no later than January 12th... which could force Iowa to move its traditional leadoff caucus to as early as mid-December.

Missouri's primary is scheduled for February 5th.

But, with so much possibly being decided before then, does campaigning in states like Missouri make sense for candidates anymore?

Mark Rushefsky is a political science professor at Missouri State University.

He says states like Missouri will still play a part in the process, especially in a wide open race such as this one.

One thing Rushefsky says he has noticed so far is the overall lack of attention to the presidential race despite television coverage and numerous debates.

He attributes this in part to over exposure and the high number of candidates, which will clear up quickly by the end of the year, as candidates begin to drop out.