“I survived. May 22, 2011.” Those are the words on the shirt of Dave Hodges. The words accompany an image of a pickup truck – its windows blown out -…
In this segment of KSMU's Sense of Community Series, Michele Skalicky highlights a celebration taking place five years after the deadly storm.Sunday was a…
Dr. Hubert Bird spent 30 years on the music faculty of the University System of New Hamphire, and has had a distinguished career as a composer, conductor,…
The number of Federal Emergency Management Agency safe rooms in Missouri has more than doubled since an EF5 tornado hit Joplin in 2011. According to the…
“Remember when we first brought her, how hard that was," says Leslie, my mom.My mom, my brother, and I stand in an empty lot on Moffet Street in Joplin.…
Five years ago, this section of Joplin was littered with debris after an EF-5 tore through the city, killing 161 people. Today, the area known as “ground…