Last Spring Jordan Valley Community Health Center began a project to reach homeless individuals outside their campus downtown. Mid-September, after conversations with the City involving complaints from neighboring properties, they paused this outreach.
The grant specifically will provide innovation opportunities for Missouri companies in the semi-conductor industry.
The Children’s Bureau’s most recent child abuse statistics reveal that 7.2 million children were reported as abused in 2015. This number had unfortunately…
Missouri State University, the Springfield Business Development Corporation and the Vecino Group are looking to expand the IDEA Commons district…
Are we ready for a robot with brain-like intelligence? Two Missouri State faculty researchers, Drs. Emmett Redd and Steven Younger, have been working on…
Humans have 20,000 genes in every cell within the body, yet we only express about 6,00 of them. So where are the rest of them? Do you have any control…
A handful of speakers and dozens of spectators Tuesday joined in celebrating the completion of Missouri State University’s new art and design complex at…