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How does Missouri State University approach climate change? We asked its president.

Sign at Missouri State University
Seth Graham
KSMU Radio
Missouri State University is based in Springfield, the third largest city in the state.

In our monthly series, "Engaging the Community," we ask MSU President Clif Smart about the university's relationship with climate change.

According to NASA's Vital Signs of the Planet, the average global sea level has risen four inches since 1993, arctic sea ice mass has declined 13 percent per decade since 1979, and the air's carbon dioxide levels are the highest they've been in 650,000 years.

Warmer temperatures are creating more evaporation, leading to unprecedented deluges of rainfall. The resulting floods are impacting crops, refugees and tourism. (See our in-depth reporting on how Missouri's top industry, agriculture, is adversely affected by climate change).

In this month's episode of Engaging the Community with Missouri State University President Clif Smart, we ask how the university is addressing climate change and whether geographical or cultural factors play a role in its approach.

Play the episode by clicking the "Listen" button above.