Springfield Little Theatre will present a two-weekend run of the Disney Pixar stage musical "Finding Nemo Jr.", based on the hit 2003 animated movie, starting Thursday, October 12 and running through October 22, at the Landers Theatre, 311 E. Walnut Street.
The show's director, Lorianne Dunn, joined me on "Arts News" to discuss this "gigantic, spectacular show."
Interestingly, there is no full-length "Finding Nemo" Broadway musical — yet. There is the 25-minute Walt Disney World Animal Kingdom production, but this "Junior" show has been developed for youth players at regional theatre companies.
"It's great for family audiences," Dunn says. "It's one hour in length, and just packed with action, beauty and adventure."
Asked if Disney Pixar provides anything other than scripts and musical scores to theatre companies for a show like this, Dunn says, "They provide NOTHING! But that's one of the wonderful things about SLT: We are creating that magic from scratch — every single time. And people may not realize that."
Dunn says a "whole host" of community volunteers help create sets, costumes, and for this show, some 80 puppets. "There have been over 80 volunteers that have touched this show," she says. And that doesn't count an eager youthful cast of 47 actors, all 18 years of age and under.
Performances of "Finding Nemo Jr." are Thursdays through Saturdays at 7:30 p.m., with Saturday and Sunday matinees at 2:00 pm, at the Landers. Tickets range from $23 to $37. For information, call the Landers Theatre box office at 417-869-1334 or visit springfieldlittletheatre.org.