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Computer Science: A Program for the Future

Cheek Hall
Chloe O'Neill

As many people know, Computer Science is a burgeoning field, with students flocking to it in their search for a suitable major.  But what really does the major entail and what will students do with their degrees after they graduate?  To answer that question, we turned to Dr. Ajay Katangur, a professor and the head of the CSC department at Missouri State University.  He stops by to talk about the field, students’ expectations and the goals of the department this week on STEM Spots.

Dr. David Cornelison has been working as an educator and scientist in Arizona and Missouri universities for the last 32 years. From 2010-2018, he was the head of the Department of Physics, Astronomy and Materials Science at Missouri State University. His research interests lie at the intersection of experimental condensed-matter physics and astrophysics, while his educational efforts have focused on outreach to the K-12 school system. Most of all, he believes in curiosity-driven learning in the sciences and all other fields.