A managed deer hunt starts tomorrow at the Springfield Conservation Nature Center, and the trails will be closed to the public for three days.
The Missouri Department of Conservation has said the hunt is necessary to reduce problems caused by increasing deer populations in southeast Springfield. Those problems include traffic risks to drivers, damage to gardens, ornamental shrubs and other vegetation and poor health for the deer.
Nature Center Manager Linda Chorice said they want to insure their deer population is healthy.
Six archery hunters were chosen through MDC’s managed hunt drawing process to take part in this weekend’s hunt. They’ll be able to take three deer each.
The hunters must hunt from elevated tree stands and maintain a distance of at least 35 yards from adjacent residential areas.
While nature center trails will be closed for the hunt tomorrow through Monday, the visitor center will be open from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. tomorrow.
The Conservation Department has posted signs warning visitors to stay off the trails, and MDC staff will be stationed at trail entrances to make sure no one except the hunters enter the nature center grounds.