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Sustainability Efforts Continue to Grow

During the last decade, the sustainability movement has changed from conservation efforts and recycling programs to initiating daily individual and organizational changes that will create a more sustainable future in terms of environmental conservation, economic prosperity and a just society for present and future generations.

Jordan Schanda, sustainability coordinator at Missouri State University, has seen many improvements in the way sustainability is incorporated at every level of the university during her two years on campus. One she is most proud of is the sustainability minor – an interdisciplinary minor that involves curriculum from 19 programs and 12 departments.

Schanda shares how the university has tried innovative techniques to increase efficiency.

Sustainability is so much more than the sciences and the environment. It’s a set of three pillars - social, environmental and economic, noted Schanda. This includes making socially responsible choices – like buying local foods and supporting fair trade or direct trade efforts. She has a few more quick tips for us.

To learn more, visit the sustainability webpage.

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