The South Creek Restoration Project is complete. And the City of Springfield held a ribbon cutting at Sunset and Grant today to celebrate.
The project’s purpose is to improve water quality and habitat for aquatic life, according to a news release from the city. It involved removing the concrete channel and restoring the creek to a more natural condition in the one-mile section of South Creek along Sunset between Campbell and Kansas Expressway.
Natural stream features such as logs and rocks were added along with vegetation to naturally filter pollutants in stormwater runoff, and trees were planted along the creek. According to the city, “native plants that support butterflies and other pollinators were preserved and enhanced with additional seeding of native plants.”
The project was funded, in part, by a $765,000 water quality grant from the Missouri Department of Natural Resources. The grant is federal funding provided by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Region 7, through MDNR, under Section 319 of the Clean Water Act.
The required 40 percent match came from the ¼-cent Capital Improvements Sales Tax and the 2006 Springfield-Greene County Parks/Waterways Sales Tax. A $10,000 Community Conservation Grant from the Missouri Conservation Department is being used for native landscape maintenance.
The project cost $1.1 million for construction and $140,000 for design.