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Burlison Hopeful of Veto Override of HB 253

Rep. Eric Burlison/Credit: Facebook

Republican State Representative Eric Burlison is expressing his disappointment with Democratic Gov. Jay Nixon’s veto Wednesday of House Bill 253.  KSMU's Scott Harvey reports.

Burlison was one of 103 House members to vote in favor of the legislation, which would gradually reduce corporate and individual income tax rates. In a statement, the Springfield lawmaker accused Nixon of changing positions on the issue, noting that the Governor campaigned on the idea that he supports cutting taxes.

He added that “the governor needs to be reminded that the people of Missouri, not the government, know best how to use their hard-earned dollars.”

Burlison, who is among several Republicans to speak out against the Governor's action, says he hopes legislators can override Nixon’s veto when they return in September. That will require another six votes in the House.

Nixon, who’s called HB 253 a “fiscally irresponsible experiment,” told reporters in Springfield Wednesday he’s confident Missourians will see that the implications from this bill are too harmful to education and vital public services, and will side with him on the issue.

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