Ryan Delaney
Ryan is a reporter on the education desk at St. Louis Public Radio, covering both higher education and the many school districts in the St. Louis region. He has previously reported for public radio stations WFYI in Indianapolis and WRVO in upstate New York. He began his journalism career working part time for WAER while attending Syracuse University. He's won multiple reporting awards and his work, which has aired on NPR, The Takeaway and WGBH's Innovation Hub. Having grown up in Burlington, Vt., he often spends time being in the woods hiking, camping, and skiing.
Preschool enrollment in Missouri is on the upswing, but spots in free preschool centers are still hard to find.
The study's findings build on prior evidence that in-person learning is safe and does not contribute to COVID-19 outbreaks when schools implement safety measures.
Missouri Teachers began lining up Monday for coronavirus vaccines after teachers unions pressured the state to make them eligible sooner.
Sumner High School, founded in 1875, may face closure. It's graduated folks such as Tina Turner and Chuck Berry, as well as comedian Dick Gregory. Several Tuskegee Airmen also attended the school.
Missouri school students will sit down for state assessments soon. For some, it’ll be their first time in a classroom in more than a year. Teachers and parents say testing should be canceled, but education officials counter the data is critical.
Humanities and liberal arts majors are in the crosshairs, as colleges focus on programs that are in greater demand and generate more revenue.
In the U.S., school closures during the pandemic have some worried about a "lost COVID generation" of children. But that's not the case in Germany.
On the heels of financial struggles in higher education, the pandemic could land a death blow to smaller colleges dotting rural Missouri and Illinois.
Many school systems in the St. Louis region are continuing with remote learning to start the school year, after first cautiously releasing plans that included the option for families to choose in-school instruction.
Gov. Mike Parson met with about a dozen St. Louis-area superintendents Wednesday afternoon to discuss how, or if, to return to school in a few weeks. He's leaving that decision up to them.