An open house Tuesday, November 12, will allow Springfield residents to learn more about an upcoming construction project on the city’s east side.
The city is planning stormwater and sanitary sewer improvements along E. Rockhurst Street between Glenwood Park and Patterson Avenue as well as modifications to the existing stormwater detention basin in the park. Playground equipment at the park, at Chestnut Expressway and Cedarbrook, will be relocated along with the basketball court. The park will also get Americans with Disabilities Act accessibility improvements.
The $4.4 million project is one in a series of regional detention basins, bridge and waterway projects in the Jordan Creek Watershed aimed at reducing historic flooding downstream in the Jordan Valley area. Funding comes from the American Rescue Plan Act, stormwater grant funds, the quarter-cent Capital Improvement Sales Tax and Environmental Services Clean Water Enterprise Fund. Completion is scheduled for late 2025.
The open house is from 4:30 to 6 at the Cooper Tennis Complex Community Room, 2331 E. Pythian.
**Story was corrected to change the name of the park