October is Domestic Violence Awareness Month. Greene County has the third-highest rate of domestic violence incidents in the State of Missouri, according to statistics kept by the Missouri State Highway Patrol. Harmony House, a domestic violence shelter in Springfield, is working to raise awareness of the issue.
The iCare Kickoff Breakfast Wednesday morning will begin a month of education and awareness through local businesses and organizations.
Kristen Snell said the initiative is a great way for local groups of any size to begin the conversation about domestic violence "within those businesses and organizations but also with customers who come to those businesses so that we can kind of blow the doors wide open on this issue so that we can get it out there where people are talking about it."
Harmony House provides posters, window clings and other material for businesses and organizations that sign up to be part of iCare. Snell said that can provide valuable information to employees or customers who may need it.
"It's a really great way for us to discreetly provide our hotline and our organization information," she said.
The hotline — 417-864-SAFE — is available 24/7 every day of the year.
During iCare Day, the last Friday in October, organizations are encouraged to hold fundraisers for Harmony House. Snell said some raise money throughout the month.
To sign up to be part of iCare, visit myharmonyhouse.org.