Twenty-eight transportation projects in Missouri will receive a total of $75 million in budget stabilization funds under the state’s Transportation Cost-Share Program.
The Missouri Department of Transportation and the Missouri Department of Economic Development selected the projects. The goal is to build partnerships with local entities “to deliver road and bridge projects that have the greatest economic benefit to the state,” MODOT said in a news release.
The program matches up to 50 percent of the construction contract costs for selected projects.
Funds were awarded to both urban areas and small towns across Missouri for road and bridge projects.
Projects in southwest Missouri
Funds from the Cost-Share Program have been awarded to:
- The City of Springfield, $3,480,858 for the Eastgate Avenue extension
- Big Cedar Lodge, $9,540,000 for Route 86 improvements
- Polk County, $2,000,000 for widening and safety improvements at Parkview St. and 430th Rd.
- The City of Carthage, $656,649 for improvements to Hazel Street and Airport Drive
- The City of Joplin, $4,000,000 to widen Zora Street
- The City of Bolivar, $3,351,055 for the Bolivar East Loop Road