Face coverings will be required for a few weeks longer in Branson. The city’s board of aldermen voted at a meeting Tuesday to extend the mask mandate to October 14 at 11:59 p.m.
A few people spoke against the extension at Tuesday’s meeting, including Branson resident, Bill Large.
“My point is real simple. If you choose to wear a mask, that’s your choice. As an American, that’s your God-given right. But it’s my God-given right as an American not to wear one if I choose not to,” Large said.
Branson resident, Audrey Richards, who’s running against U.S. Congressman Billy Long in November, spoke in favor of extending the mask ordinance.
“As a Branson resident, I feel safe since the mask ordinance was implemented. I feel safer. It limits the spread, which we know, as our city attorney said, because the positivity rates and our seven-day rolling case averages have gone down since the implementation," said Richards.
The vote to extend the ordinance was five to one in two reads, with alderman, Larry Milton, casting the only no vote.
Branson voted to require masks in late July. The ordinance was set to expire at 11:59 on September 8.
View the extended face covering ordinance here.