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‘Mini Law School’ makes Law Accessible to the Public

North Charleston

The Springfield Metropolitan Bar  Foundation will host a Mini Law School this fall, where community members can learn from lawyers and judges in the area. 

Throughout the five sessions of Mini Law School this September, members of the public can study up on a wide range of topics. Lectures include estate planning, juvenile law, or the United States Constitution lecture taught by Thomas Strong.

“The Mini Law School is for the public to learn quite a bit about some phases of the practice of law, or some history that is important to the law.”

Strong is a retired attorney and his firm, Strong, Garner, & Bauer P.C., is still in business.

Since the start of Mini Law School four years ago, Strong’s talks have focused on the history of law. He says he appreciates the purpose behind the Mini Law School.

“It brings home the practice of law to people who are not lawyers. It gives them a chance to ask questions about the fields of law that are being discussed in that particular session.”

This year, Strong says he’s excited to share some knowledge on the compromises the Founding Fathers had to make when drafting the Constitution.

Find more information on the sessions at the Springfield Metropolitan Bar's website.