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Investigative Series Reveal to Continue Through 2015 on KSMU

KSMU is pleased to bring you an award-winning show from Public Radio Exchange and the Center for Investigative Reporting.

Reveal, which showcases investigative stories, launched on a monthly basis on KSMU in January, and will now continue through December.

Reveal began in 2013. A year later, it won a Peabody award for CIR’s original investigation into the Department of Veterans Affairs’ role in over-prescribing opioid drugs to returning Iraq and Afghanistan war veterans.

Reveal is hosted by Al Leston, recipient of multiple journalism awards for his original series, State of the Re:Union.

Air dates are as follows:

Saturday, December 12: 9-10 a.m.

Learn more about Reveal and read and listen to past segments here.

We want your feedback! Tell us what you think about the program by emailing