The city of Joplin and Jasper County Health Departments, Freeman Health System and Mercy have opened Joplin’s first drive-through COVID-19 test collection site.
This site is only for patients who meet certain criteria that determine if a test is necessary, according to the Joplin Health Department. Those include specific symptoms, a travel history or exposure to a confirmed COVID-positive person. Anyone seeking a test must call ahead to be screened and, if approved, schedule a time to visit the drive-through testing site. The number for the screening call center is 417-347-6444.
The first presumptive positive case of COVID-19 in Joplin has been confirmed. The Joplin Health Department says, to protect the patient’s right to privacy, identifying information will not be provided. As part of the regular practice of disease investigation, the Health Department will notify people who have had contact with the patient. Health officials say this does not appear to be a travel-related case.
The Joplin Health Department staff are working with the Missouri Department of Health and Senior Services to determine any close contacts of this individual who were possibly exposed. If exposed, health officials will provide guidance to these individuals and monitor them closely for the development of symptoms.