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How to Keep Diabetes Risk at Bay

Natalie Allen teaches her dietetics students

November is American Diabetes Month. This disease affects more than 30 million Americans.

Natalie Allen, clinical instructor of dietetics in the biomedical sciences department at Missouri State University, helps to raise  awareness of the benefits of proper nutrition.

But first she explains some of the foods that are typically high in glucose. Although most vegetables don’t metabolize into glucose, she reminds us to beware of these starchy veggies.

As a dietitian, she works with people with both Type I diabetes and Type II. But in Type II, diet and lifestyle modifications could certainly reverse the needs for medication. Shedding a few pounds could make a huge positive impact.

In fact, she says, she wishes the standard across the board would be for most Americans to follow the guidelines of a diabetic diet.

Her number one tip for a diabetic or anyone with weight loss or health goals is to plan ahead. Meal plan, think about your activities for the week, and know your weak spots so you don’t end up in the drive thru.

In her role as the team dietitian for MSU, Allen notes that she monitors the intake of the student athletes. For those who might be diabetic, she encourages they have a snack or drink on hand that will help as their blood sugar drops.

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