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Ambassadors for Children Opens its Doors


The mission of Ambassadors for Children is to enhance the self-esteem of abused and neglected foster kids. The newly renovated 4,000 square foot building houses programs that will make life easier for these kids and their families. These programs include tutoring, project self-esteem, and the most popular, Kid’s Clothes Closet, which is 16 racks of seasonal clothes, socks, and underwear, all divided by gender and size.

There is also a brand new resource library and a whole room devoted to the Pack-A-Bag program, which provides children with toiletry items when first placed into foster care.

Sondra Uzzell is the Agency Director for Ambassadors for Children. She says these programs are important because there's a lot of foster kids the Greene County area.

 “ Greene County places almost 40 children a month in foster care, which is outrageous when you think of 40 kids in a 29 day period coming into foster care, just in our county,” said Uzzell.

Uzzell says that for the 1,060 foster kids in Greene County, there are only about 230 foster families. To keep the building up and running they have paired with the Council of Churches to start a “Renewing Hope” campaign.

 “The council of churches foundation has made a pledge that will match every donation, dollar-per-dollar, up to $150,000 that is designated for our Renewing Hope campaign, which is what we have named this campaign to sustain this new office that we have built,” said Uzzell.

Ambassadors for Children now has a lot of space for donations and plenty of volunteer opportunities. The new facility creates a one stop resource center for foster children and their families. Uzzell said,

“Whenever they come in here we want them to feel special. We want them to feel of worth. Just having a tag on your clothes does amazing things for a child's self-esteem. So, that’s what we are all about."