A project to widen Highway 65 between Springfield and Fair Grove gets underway May 21st. Michele Skalicky has more.
By the end of 2008, motorists should have an easier time getting from Springfield to Fair Grove. A project to add new lanes to Highway 65 between those two cities, will begin today (5/21). Bob Edwards is a spokesperson for the Missouri Department of Transportation
The four-laning of Route 65 north of Springfield was ranked as a high priority by state and community planners statewide. The Springfield to Fair Grove project is the first to address that need. Edwards says adding two more lanes should improve safety on that stretch of roadway
A new type of crossover that's designed to minimize points of conflict among turning vehicles will be used.
Four new bridges will have to be built to carry the new southbound lanes.
Once the new lanes are built and carrying traffic, the existing lanes of Highway 65 will be repaired and ground smooth and the shoulders will be sealed.
Bob Edwards says they'll try not to inconvenience motorists whenever possible
The 16.7 million dollar project was added to MODOT's construction program after voters approved Amendment 3 in 2004.
Completion is set for December 1st, 2008.
A project to four-lane Highway 65 between Fair Grove and Route EE at Foose is expected to begin later this year.