First Friday Art Walk is tonight (3/2) from 6 to 10 in downtown Springfield.
Singer Alicia Olatuja will be in concert tonight (3/2) at 7:30 at the Walton Arts Center, 495 W. Dickson in Fayetteville, Arkansas. Olatuja has been described by The New York Times as “a singer with a strong and luscious tone and an amiably regal presence on stage.” Click here for more information.
Movie Night at the Library is tonight (3/2) at 6:30 at the Library Center, 4653 S. Campbell . See the 2017 film, Beauty and the Beast.
Missouri State University’s Theatre and Dance Department presents Arthur Miller’s “The Crucible” through March 7 in the Craig Hall Balcony Theatre.
The Secret Life of Seeds is tomorrow afternoon (3/3) at 1 at the Midtown Carnegie Branch Library. Learn how to save seeds from a variety of vegetables and fruit. Registration required at (417) 862-0135.
The MSU women’s basketball team will host Indiana State tomorrow afternoon (3/3) at 2:05 at JQH Arena. For ticket information,
Drury University presents “The Fantasticks” through March 3 in the Sunderland Black Box Theatre.
The Moxie Cinema’s On Stage Series will feature Matthew Bourne’s Cinderella, filmed at Sander’s Wells Theater in London in December 2017, tomorrow (3/3) at noon and Sunday (3/4) at 5:30.
The 29th annual RV Mega Show will be held today through Sunday at the Ozark Empire Fairgrounds.
The Spring Grand-Fondo/Brevet bike ride and 5K fun run to benefit the Community Bike Shop at the Fairbanks will be held tomorrow beginning at 8 a.m. at Springfield Brewing Company.
Southern Missouri Woodcarving Artists will teach a woodcarving class tomorrow morning (3/3) at 11 at the Springfield Conservation Nature Center. And members will demonstrate the art of woodcarving from 1 to 4. To register for the morning class, (417) 888-4237.
Crafty DIY is tomorrow (3/3) at 2 at the Library Station. Learn how to bubble paint bouquets. Materials will be provided. To register, (417) 616-0683.
Tomorrow (3/3) is “Try Hockey for Free Day” for kids at Mediacom Ice Park, 635 E. Trafficway. No skating experience is necessary. Registration is required.
Sequiota Cave Boat Tours will be offered tomorrow and Sunday (3/3-3/4) at Sequiota Park. Space is limited, and registration is required.
A hike will start tomorrow morning (3/3) at 9 at Bennett Springs State Park near Lebanon. Join park staff for a walk on the Spring Trail to look for bald eagles.
The St. Patrick’s Day Gala will be held tomorrow night (3/3) at 6 at the Oasis Hotel and Convention Center, 2546 N. Glenstone in Springfield to benefit Crosslines. It will include dinner, Irish-themed games, a silent auction, a photo booth and more.
The Friends of Abilities First will host the Silver Strands Celebration, honoring Roseann Bentley, tomorrow night (3/3) at 6 at Hickory Hills Country Club, 3909 E. Cherry in Springfield. for details, (417) 886-0404.
See the movie, Jumanji, tomorrow (3/3) at 3 at the Fair Grove Branch Library. The showing is for anyone 13 and older.
We’ve Got Talent, an annual regional talent show, will be held Sunday (3/4) at 2:30 at The Auditorium in downtown Eureka Springs, Arkansas.